I am an active Pack and Troop 334 Committee member and I am also a Girl Scout Leader. While at Daniel Boone Camp (a co-ed camping weekend), that 334 was not on, I started up a conversation with the leaders of a Boy Scout Troop from the far northeast. These two young men had just jumped in to help a newly handicapped leader. They talked about dreams they had for their troop and what they hoped they could offer the boys. Myself and two other Girl Scout leaders were wearing our matching troop shirts and that started the guys on the thought of how they would like that for their boys. One of them said, “Last summer we were at Resica Falls and there was this troop that had these red shirts with a logo and matching hats with where they were from. Even the leaders had matching shirts. They looked so put together and like a troop, even in class B uniforms.” I started laughing. I described the logo and the hat and the guys said “Yes, yes that’s them!” They were talking about Troop 334. Rescia is only in the Pocono’s but the troops that camp there are from all over the USA and sometimes further. I had great pride in being able to say that was my Troop 334! Like Roberto Clemente says “When I put on my uniform, I feel I am the proudest (wo)man on earth.”
— Mary Ann Dunn, wife, mother, and Committee Member for Boy Scout Troop 334 and Cub Scout Pack 334