Scouts BSA
Girls & Boys, Ages 11 to 18
Character. Citizenship. Leadership. Fitness. Camping. Hiking. Hobbies. Backpacking. Canoeing. Exploring Careers. Cooking. Biking. Community Service. Kayaking. Reverence.
About Scouts BSA | Calendar | Camping | Hiking | Field Trips | Eagle Scouts

Troop 334 was founded in Roxborough in 1943.
Keeping the spirit of the original and treasured Scout program, but ready to meet modern challenges, Boy Scouts of America is now known as Scouting America, while the Boy Scout program is now known as Scouts BSA. Now all eligible youth ages 11 to 18, both girls and boys, can join Scouts BSA and earn the Eagle Scout rank.

Be Prepared. That’s the motto of the Scouts BSA. “Be prepared for what?” someone once asked Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting. “Why, for any old thing,” said Baden-Powell.
The training you receive in Troop 334 will help you live up to the Scout motto. When someone has an accident, you are prepared because of your first aid instruction. Because of lifesaving practice, you might be able to save a nonswimmer who has fallen into deep water.
But Baden-Powell wasn’t thinking just of being ready for emergencies. His idea was that all Scouts should prepare themselves to become productive citizens and to give happiness to other people. He wanted each Scout to be ready in mind and body for any struggles, and to meet with a strong heart whatever challenges might lie ahead.
Be prepared for life – to live happily and without regret, knowing that you have done your best.
That’s what the Scout motto means.
We camp all over the Delaware Valley, all year long.
What is the difference between Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts?
Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts are both members of Scouting America. However, they are entirely different programs: Scouts BSA is a youth-led program designed to foster leadership and self-reliance skills for young people ages 11 to 18.
Is Troop 334 the same as Pack 334?
Our Cub Scout Pack 334 shares the same unit number as Scouts BSA Troop 334, and we also share the same chartering organization, Leverington Presbyterian Church. Many of our adult leaders and volunteers overlap and serve both units. Most of our Cub Scouts move up and become Scouts with Troop 334. We strive to maintain a very cohesive and stable organization that is consistently dedicated to the same scouting principles from a Lion Cub in kindergarten all the way through to an Eagle Scout getting ready for college or career.
When do you meet?
Scouts BSA meet each Monday night in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. We may also have a special activity, such as a service project or a weekend camping trip or visit to a local museum in addition to, or in place of, our weekly meeting.
Are parents allowed to stay?
Scouts BSA is a youth-led program. If you are a parent or guardian who would like to be present during a Troop meeting, please consult with the Scoutmaster in advance so they can arrange for you to observe. If you are a parent or guardian who would like to get involved with Scouts BSA, volunteer for a position on the Troop Committee or as an assistant Scoutmaster!
Scouts BSA is the traditional Scouting program, around for over 100 years, for boys and girls aged 11-17 years old. It is one of the oldest youth organizations in the United States, where young people can participate in various outdoor activities like camping, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, and much more!
Scouts BSA Troop 334 in Roxborough aims to help young people develop their:
- Leadership
- Problem-solving skills
- Mental and physical fitness
- Character
- Citizenship
- Teamwork
- Sportsmanship
- Time management
- Community service
- Integrity
- Creativity
- Lifesaving skills
- Outdoor and survival skills
- Good judgment
- Self-motivation
- Self-improvement
We know how busy kids are today; Scouts BSA is designed to work with your child’s other commitments and activities.
We believe the values your child will learn in the Scouts BSA program are so important that we want you a part of it even if your child cannot be here 100% of the time. If your child is part of other programs — like sports, band, church, etc. — which might prevent you from being here all of the time, that is OK with us.
Scouts BSA will also expose youth to educational, vocational, and career exploration. Adults who have gone through Scouts can be found in every walk of life and career from the President of the United States on down.
Scouts BSA experience is a valuable part of academic and professional resumes. Many previous Scouts have reported that, during interviews, when it is discovered they have gone through the Scouts BSA program, they are selected over other candidates; often they are hired at a higher position or a higher pay grade, too.
Scouts may be exactly what your child needs to Be Prepared. For Life.
SCOUTS BSA TROOP 334 meets on Mondays in the Fall, Winter, and Spring, from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at Leverington Presbyterian Church (6301 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19128, across from Gorgas Park & Library).
Off to Summer Camp 2024
Troop Leadership
Troop 334 is led by an incredibly stable and long-serving leadership team. Two of our leaders joined Troop 334 in the 70s, two joined in the 80s, and all four have been with the Troop ever since! They volunteer their time, energy, and expertise to make Scouts BSA Troop 334 happen.
These are the people you’ll see each Monday night, facilitating the meetings and coaching the Scouts to lead their meetings. You might also find them spending countless hours over the summers, and in between activities, making sure that all the details are squared away.
Troop Committee
These are the people who do the behind-the-scenes work, making sure activities and events are coordinated, managing the business operations, and helping the Leadership Team to run the best Scouts BSA program possible.