David Craighead began his personal scouting journey on Sept 1, 1974 when he joined Troop 334 along with his brothers. He completed his Order of the Arrow Ordeal in 1978 and made the gradual and ultimate rise to Eagle Scout in 1981. He accepted the calling of Scoutmaster of Troop 334 on March 1, 1997. There was hesitation by the committee, as well as in the mind of Scoutmaster Norman Snyder at the time, but there was…no one better suited. David was working a full-time job, a part-time job and had just put himself through college. He just graduated with his teaching degree, got a full-time teaching position but did not let this deter him from accepting the position. As a trained and educated scout of the very troop he was to lead he used the doubts and hesitation as wind beneath his Eagle wings. Scouting taught him to have confidence in himself and his decisions, the skills to be a leader, the secret strength of the Order of the Arrow, the knowledge of many meetings and camping trips, the ability to survive…anything. He also knew that he could lean on his scout brothers to help push him and keep him moving forward for the boys. Shortly after settling into his role David was informed that Scoutmaster Snyder let the feelings in his heart show and David was presented with the District of Merit Award by Boy Scout Council. It was the validation David needed to encourage him to continue on his path as Scoutmaster. During his time in leadership David got married (to a Girl Scout) and welcomed two beautiful girls into his family. With no sons of his own David continued his dedication to all the sons of the troop. At an Eagle Court of Honor in 2011 David was presented with the President’s (of the United States) Volunteer Service Award. If you ask David, he will tell you, the position hasn’t been easy, it isn’t always fun, but it is ALWAYS worth it. To see a little boy join the group you lead and to watch him grow into a man, hopefully an Eagle, and to have that young man came back and say “Thank you Dave” “Because of you Dave” it’s all the reward one needs. You can’t buy that feeling.
Congratulations on 20 years as Scoutmaster of Troop 334 David Craighead