This story starts out back in the Spring of 2018. In a surprising redirection of emails a request for a tour of the PA State Police Barracks turned into a conversation about touring the Governor’s office with a possible meet and greet with the man himself. As the conversations went on it was agreed that we would take the tour in October 2018 with hopes of meeting Mr. Tom Wolf. Housing was booked and paid for (non-refundable), Our scout count was in, a meal plan ready. We were going to the Capital in Harrisburg!
As the date crawled closer re-confirmation emails were sent. Camp Tuckahoe Boy Scout Reserve was all set. Then it happened! A email that said we weren’t confirmed with the Governor’s Office, we couldn’t tour that area, that the Governor wouldn’t be there. We reached out to a political friend who offered other options but none to get us what we thought we were confirmed. We reached back out to the Governor’s office and were told without a doubt we should not have been offered a private tour or meet and greet, especially not in October of an election year. A new plan was quickly created, and sadly the Capital was not in those plans. So, the American Heritage Museum and Army College with an added stop at Carlisle Army Barracks filled our day. We ended the night with some electronic free card games, Gaga ball outside, and a hike in the woods. We had a great time!
Upon returning home from that trip the leadership team felt compelled to write to Governor Tom Wolf and let him know how excited we were at the thought of visiting him and touring his office. Even more so how let down we were when we were told the whole offer was made in error by someone in his office. Mistakes happen, miscommunication over email is often a problem, but it still stings when the believed promise is broken. In November that letter was mailed with nothing more than a hope that someone in the Governor’s office reviews it and takes action to ensure this type of miscommunication doesn’t happen again.
Then came THE CALL! The Governor’s office had received our letter and Governor Wolf wanted to personally apologize for the confusion. He was coming to Philadelphia for a few days and wanted to meet with us, 20 or so to one, and chat about whatever our Scouts wanted. In excited frenzy we prepared questions, got our uniforms just right and set the date. The Governor of Pennsylvania WAS COMING TO Troop 334!
On Thursday March 21, 2019 Our Scouts welcomed Governor Tom Wolf and his small team to our home. He apologized, more than once, for the confusion, took total responsibility for the happenings in his office and wanted us to know he understood our dissatisfaction and insisted that he make it right. Mr. Wolf sat in a round table group with the Scouts and answered questions about what he does in his roll, how he came to be Governor, his favorite sports, and even about food and video games. The Scouts learned and laughed with Governor Wolf. His team was just as enjoyable to chat with. As far as we know, we are the ONLY Scout Troop he has ever stopped in to say hi to.
We are honored and thankful for his upstanding action and thus awarded Governor Wolf the Troop Spirit Award. Scout spirit applies to how a Scout lives and conducts his ‘daily’ life. He shows Scout spirit by being a role model to his peers, living by the Scout Oath and Law. The concept of Scout spirit is not based on how many Scouting events or outings a Scout attends, but rather by how he helps bring out the best in others as a reflection of his own character and attitude in his ‘daily’ life. We are truly grateful for the honor of a personal visit with the Governor and look forward to learning more about his role in our government.