The Pack 334 Annual Tent-Or-Treat!

BOO! Pack 334 is going camping at the Roxborough Scout House for our Annual Tent-or-Treat!

Who: All Scouts, siblings, and parents in Pack 334
What: An overnight, outdoor Halloween-themed camping trip.
When: Friday, October 18 (5:30 pm) to Saturday, October 19 (11:00 am)
Where: The Roxborough Scout House at Henry Avenue & Wigard Avenue (Directions)
Why: To work on our camping skills and have some Halloween fun!
Cost: Cub Scouts are FREE | Parents & siblings are $5 per person

We invite all Cub Scouts in Pack 334, their parents, and their siblings to join us. Each family should bring their own tent, overnight supplies, tent Halloween decorations, and candy to hand out.
Planned Events
Download the Camping Program (PDF) for this trip!
- Begin arriving at 5:30 p.m. There will only be about an hour or so of good sunlight left, so you should get right on setting up your tent.
- At 6:30 p.m., we will have all the Scouts form up for an opening meeting, and we will begin our program for the evening. We plan to do some activities with the Scouts as a group, so parents can use this time to decorate their tents.
- Around 7:30 p.m., we will light the campfire and Scouts and siblings can Trick-or-Treat at the various tents
- After Trick-or-Treat, we will have “Sarah’s S’mores” at the campfire. We will set up an outdoor screen near the campfire where we will view some family-friendly Halloween shows
- By 9:00 p.m., we will start to slow down and get ready to sleep in our tents
- Quiet hours will begin at 10:00 p.m.
- Wake up will be around 7:00 a.m.
- We will have a hot breakfast, prepared by Scouts in the Bear Den (and some helpful Leaders), around 8:00 a.m., and then take down our tents
- By 10:00 a.m., we should be all packed up and we will depart on a morning hike into the Wissahickon. Scouts should plan on attending the hike, as we will be completing specfic advancement requirements for each Den.
- If you can’t make the overnight, but wish to hike with us, please meet us at the Scout House by 9:30 a.m.
- The hike will be complete and we’ll be ready to depart by 11:00 a.m.
This is a favorite event of the year. We hope everyone can make it!
Even if you can only make a part of it, please join us for whatever you can.

Please note: Over a third of our Pack is now in either Kindergarten or First Grade. Please keep the “scary level” low and age-appropriate—nothing too gory or disturbing!
ALSO: If the Phillies make it to the next round of playoffs and need to play Game 5 of that round (the NLCS), that game would be on Friday the 18th. Of course, the Scout program comes first, but whenver possible, we plan to use the outdoor screen to show the game.