On Saturday, January 25th, 2025, Pack 334 will take a field trip to the Greater Plymouth Community Center (GPCC) pool for a few hours of swimming.
- WHO: Pack 334 Scouts, Parents / Guardians, Siblings, and Scouters
- WHAT: Two hours of swimming
- WHEN: Saturday, January 25th, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
- WHERE: Greater Plymouth Community Center (Directions)
- WHY: A fun winter field trip where Scouts who attend will have the opportunity to complete aquatic adventures with their den and have plenty of time for free swim and play.
- COST: The cost is $10 per person, though Scouts can use their Activity Fee Credit, which was part of their dues, to attend at no cost.
Per GPCC, the following swimwear rules are in place: no thongs, see-through suits, cutoffs, regular gym shorts, or T-shirts over bathing suits.
Please review the following documents before registering:

Although Saturday the 25th has been on the calendar since September as a museum trip, we recognize this is relatively last-minute, and we are sorry if this was not enough notice for you and your Scout to attend. We will do better.
We’ll Be Back
If this field trip is a success, we hope to return to GPCC for a swimming day 2-3 times a year. We are planning for this summer and this fall.
Financial Burden
Also, we appreciate that this is an unplanned cost; we want all Scouts to attend, so if the registration fee poses a difficulty right now, please let the Cubmaster or a Den Leader know so we can work out a plan.