Roxborough is a tight knit community. Many of the people who grow here, stay here or return here. Even more of them give back in some way to this little community in a great big city. We may not always love each but we ALWAYS take care of each other. We are the city of brotherly love. From this city we have an amazing history of two brothers.
In 1944 local twin brothers, George and Norman Snyder, joined Troop 334 just one year after it was founded. They quickly became instrumental in the growth and success of 334. They instilled many of the traditions that we still follow today and constantly fought for the longevity of the troop. For a brief time the brothers were not actively present as they served their country in the U.S. Army however, throughout their lives they held one role or another with 334 and left an indelible mark in the lives of many young men and families of the Troop. They are the reason many of the leaders we have today are here giving back.
George and Norman gave of their nights, weekends, summer vacations and more out of a solid belief that every boy deserves a safe, healthy and empowering place to learn and grow. They believed that scouting helped to develop reliable, dependable, intelligent young men and eventually excellent mature citizens in our community. George Snyder was Scoutmaster 1949-1958, Assistant Scoutmaster 1958 until his untimely young death. Norman Snyder was Sea Scout Adviser 1949-1958, Scoutmaster 1958-1998 and Committee Member 1998-until his death in 2013…40 years of service to Troop 334. Not the founder of the troop but the father of the troop!
Neither of these men would ever want a scout to leave the troop, skip an adventure or miss a learning opportunity because of personal financial limitations within their family. Now more than ever, family funds for the “extras” are greatly limited. Parents work hard, try to save and do the best they can. Sometimes it’s just not enough, and the necessities come first. In an effort to keep the Snyder brother’s beliefs alive and continue the amazing work some of the Friends of Troop 334 are starting The Snyder Scholarship Fund. With specialty camps and higher adventure programs coming in the near future we need to prepare now to help every young man who needs support without loss of dignity or fear of exclusion.
The Friends of Troop 334 is a group of parents who’s sons have graduated from the troop or adults who have become friends of the troop through community interaction. These adults want to ensure another boy doesn’t walk away from the troop because they can’t afford registration, dues, uniforms or other costs associated with the complete scouting experience. Another scout may just be able to make memories with his dad at the father son camping trip or make a life-long bond with another scout at summer camp. It’s not just about giving them something now, it’s about making sure they experience, grow and fondly remember lessons and friends from their boyhood well into their fatherhoods. Who doesn’t want that for their own sons?