As a little boy Kyle joined our very own Cub Scout Pack 334. Full of energy and excitement Kyle began his journey of learning all about the ways of Scouting. When his time came to move up to our Boy Scout troop Kyle cheerfully* chose to become a Den Chief where he could go back and be a big brother Scout to the new Cubs. Three years later, as much as he wanted to continue being Loyal* to his Cub Scout brothers the time came when he needed to focus on his High School education. As a trustworthy* scout, he fulfilled his promise by remaining the last few months supporting his Den until they moved up to Boy Scouts. He then proudly moved on to become more active in his school as well as taking on leadership rolls in the troop as Junior and Senior Patrol leader.
Kyle chose to show his reverence* by attending La Salle College High School where he grew his friendships* as a part of the Chess; bowling; and computer club teams. He showed his bravery* in wanting to be a part of the soccer team and accepting his abilities and limitations by approaching the Coach and asking how he could be a part of the program without being one of the athletes. Kyle was granted the titles of Junior coach and equipment manager, putting him in the best place to help the whole team succeed. Kyle also was a member of the Media department as an interviewer and editor. His last project was for his school’s tv station where he was the featured interviewer, in a Social distancing episode, speaking with seniors on how they can give back to their community.
Kyle has had the opportunity to be helpful* and give back to his community in a big way on at least two different occasions. During his Junior year of high school Kyle had the privilege of spending a week at a homeless shelter in Bronx New York. While there he was able to show kindness* and help in making repairs to the facility that would make things safer and more comfortable for the residents. He had the honor of speaking directly with the residents listening to their life stories, hopes and dreams. Kyle came away from that experience having learned not only about the lives of the residents but also about himself. Most recently, Kyle performed his Eagle Scout service project, titled “Community Matters”. He collected monetary and food donations for those in need. With a small but powerful group he hosted a community dinner where anyone looking for some company or in need of a meal could stop in and fill their heart, souls and tummies. He even offered take home supplies.
Kyle’s senior year of school was cut short because of the Covid 19 pandemic, and so was his final Scout year. He missed months of final games and Senior night with classmates, Senior prom, his first solo motorcycle ride to school and his commencement walk. He completed his Eagle project just prior to the world closing. He missed out on the experience of an in-person Council Board of Review and the city-wide Eagle dinner. A Troop dinner will be held in 2021. However, there were moments of joy, like when all five of the universities he applied to offered him admission. Kyle chose to become a Panther at Pittsburgh Bradford University where he will be studying Psychology. Hopefully, he will be proud to able to share his life experiences and lessons learned with his scout family here at 334 and maybe even tell them about the time he toured the school on a summer camp trip.
*points of the Scout law