Eagle Scouts of Troop 334
Eagle Scout is the highest rank of Scouting.
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Troop 334’s first Eagle Scout was Edward Ketter on Oct 2, 1945.
Since then, Troop 334 guided OVER EIGHTY Scouts to earn Eagle Scout.
The First Streak: 1990-2016
26 years with at least 1 Eagle Scout each year.
The Second Streak: 2019 to Present
6+ years with at least 1 Eagle Scout each year.
The designation “Eagle Scout” was founded over one hundred years ago.
Only 4% of Scouts earn this rank after years of hard work and a lengthy review process.
When a Scout stands as an Eagle Scout, they stand with great distinction alongside some of the greatest heroes of our nation.
Zachary Espinosa
John Henry McCrossan
Christopher Romano
Louis J. Springer
Patrick Urbine
Zack Qain
Timothy Greene
Kyle McGarry
Tyler Loftus
Jeremy Dunn
Nicholas Stahl
Jerry Bartholomew, Jr.
Shawn P. Freil
Justin D. Dunn
Michael J. Bryan
David M. Nagel
Ammon D. Cirigliano
Avery B. Sheridan
Patrick A. Williams
John C. Wynne III
Daniel A. Sontag
Fredrick Feigel
Jason Spangler
Mark Gilinski
Charles “Ned” Harrity
Travis Bristow
Fury Colubriale Jr
Scott Granato
Mike Mara
Jack Craighead
Greg Granato
Mike Szostek
Adam Yoder
Thomas Bryan
Brian Texter
Keith Humphries
George Moore
Robert Texter
Eric Halicki
Robert McCole
Tim Szostek
Joel Leonardo
Robert Dougherty
Ian Bristow
Donald Dunn
Mark Deskiewicz
Matt Brescia